Changing Your Golf Trolley Battery
When your golf trolley struggles to make it round the 9 or 18 holes, then the first place to look is the battery. As all of the power needs for the golf trolley come from the battery, replacing the battery from time to time is part of the scheduled maintenance. Learn how to change your golf trolley battery with ease so that you can get back out on the course.
- Wear Safety Clothing – As with even the simplest repairs caution should be taken to limit any risk. Working with lead-acid batteries, be sure to wear protective eyewear and gloves.
- Locate the Battery/Batteries – Golf trolleys vary in design, but they tend to be universally similar. If you have a AGM or Gel lead-acid battery up to 34Ah you may find the battery is in a protective bag, Lithium batteries up to 20Ah will most likely have a protective bag also.
- New Battery – Take a look at the new battery and make sure that it is the same size and terminal configuration as the battery about to be replaced.
- Disconnecting Cables – Remove the cable from the battery, in most cases you will have either a Torberry connector or a T-Bar connector (if you have a different type of connector then consult your user manual). Both of the connectors simply unplug.
- Removal – Once the cable/s have been removed then you can remove the battery from the golf trolley. Inspect the battery compartment and clean or repair where necessary.
- Clean the Wires and Terminals – While the battery is removed take some time to check and clean the wires to the battery. If any wires/cables need to be replaced then this would be the time to do so. Attach the wires where required (this is mainly if you have the Torberry connectors) to the new battery ready for re-installation.
- Inserting New Battery – Once the new battery is ready to inserted into your golf trolley (If you have Torberry connectors make sure these have been re-attached to the new battery) make sure you have placed the battery inside the protective cover if you had one previously. Locate the battery in the same orientation as the old battery, make sure it’s seated correctly. Re-connect the cable from the golf trolley to the battery.
- Ready to Charge – Now your battery has been changed you’ll be ready to connect the battery charger, although the new battery will have some charge in it, it will always need to be charged once it’s fitted to make sure it’s activation is complete and you’ll be ready for your first round of golf!
Changing Your Deep Cycle Golf Cart Batteries
So, it’s time to change your Golf Cart Batteries. The signs are visible, your cart slows down and won’t complete 18 or 36! The batteries might not be taking a full charge and the time may have come to have them replaced. If you want to change the batteries yourself, then fear not. Follow our step by step guide to replace your batteries. Deep Cycle batteries, currently come in 3 forms, Wet flooded, AGM and Lithium technology. When replacing wet flooded battery extra care must be taken as acid can leak or spill and come into contact with your skin, eyes and protective clothing needs to be used to ensure your safety, always take precautions to limit risk.
You will need some tools to successfully remove and replace the batteries in your buggy
- Wear Safety Clothing – When dealing with batteries protective clothing must be worn to limit the risk involved with acid, make sure you have gloves and safety glasses and overalls.
- Zip ties – They will help when keeping connection wires for your accessories together.
- Cleaning Solutions – Fill a squirt bottle with a solution of baking soda and water in order to clean the battery bay once the old batteries have been removed.
- Battery Terminal Protector – Make sure you have battery terminal protector, this will help maintain the connections over time.
- Battery Strap – Important, these batteries are heavier than you think. Use a battery strap to remove the old batteries and replace with the new batteries.
- Sockets – Lastly, make sure you have a socket wrench and 13mm socket (for 6 volt batteries, and an additional 15mm socket for 12 volt batteries), also an extension so you will not allow the wrench handle to make contact with any of the terminals.
We do NOT recommend the use of power tools for this type of maintenance.
Battery Replacement
- Disconnecting – Make certain that the cart key is in the off position and the battery charger is not connected. If your cart is new enough to have a “run-tow” switch then set this to tow.
- Access – Remove the seat to get access to the battery bay and remove any battery hold-downs.
- Configuration – Make a sketch or take a picture that clearly label the positions and polarity of each battery, where the accessories are connected and what location is the main positive and negative terminals. The main terminals should be easy to find, as they are the only two cables that do not go to another battery, but leave the battery bay. You will need this information more than once so make sure your details are clear.
- Disconnecting Main Terminals – Disconnect the main negative terminal first, then disconnect the main positive terminal. Then disconnect any accessory wires and cable tie these to keep them together so there is no question where they go on the new batteries.
- Remove Remaining Cables – Remove the remaining cables, being careful not to let the wrench touch the terminals.
- Removing The Batteries – When removing the old batteries be sure to use the battery strap, the batteries are heavy, so be very careful. Also, you may find that the batteries have residual acid on them, so be careful not to let any acid touch your skin and when placing the old batteries on the floor use some cardboard to keep the environment clean.
- Cleaning The Battery Bay – Once the batteries are removed clear away any debris, then using your baking soda and water solution, totally clean the battery bay and dry with a towel.
- Installing New Golf Batteries – Once you have refreshed your mind (from your diagram), using your battery strap, place the new batteries into position making sure the terminal layout (polarities) match your sketch/picture/diagram.
- Reconnecting Battery Cables – Start reconnecting the battery cables, connecting battery to battery (leaving the main cables to last). We recommend using lock washers when connecting cables so as to prevent the cables loosening over time. Once the cables are attached from battery to battery, then connect the accessories and finally the main positive terminal and the main negative terminal. Check the polarity one more time (positive to negative, positive to negative, etc) and then secure the batteries with the hold-down bars.
- Testing – Once the batteries have been fitted (correctly) you should test that the operation of the lights and other electronics are working. Switch the “run-tow” back to run and check that the buggy will operate in forward and reverse by gently touching the accelerator. After everything has been tested satisfactorily then you can apply the battery protection spray to all the terminals, this will protect the terminals from acid build up.
- Charging The New Batteries – Before using the buggy you want to give the new batteries a full charge and you’ll be ready to head out again.